Clevedon Salerooms are no strangers to selling the works of Bristol Artist Andrew Beer (1862-1954). His portraits of prized pigeons turn up regularly and have in recent years started to reach new heights in terms of value. Always bearing charming titles, one of this pair titled ‘Special Prize given by H Burt Esq for Best Old Bird Average, Won by H.Attwood Excelsior H.S. 1906’.
The highest prices are usually reserved for group portraits that feature two or sometimes three birds on a single canvas. This pair of individual portraits measuring 29cm x 39cm dated 1906 certainly ruffled a few feathers as the gavel fell at £5,000.
It will only be a matter of time before more of Andrew Beers pigeons find their way to Clevedon Salerooms for a brief rest, before heading off to their new home.